Sunday, March 18, 2012
The One Diet Trick Guarenteed to Make You LOSE WEIGHT FAST AND EASY
By now you have probably heard all about the health benefits of water. Youknow that our bodies are made up of predominantly water and that weneed to stay hydrated for optimal health. You have probably also heardthat water can help you LOSE WEIGHT FAST AND EASY. Most diet gurus and Iwould venture to say all fitness experts will tell you that to LOSEWEIGHT FAST AND EASY you must increase your water intake. But generallytelling someone to drink more water gets lost in all the diet advicewhite noise. So let’s break it down to one specific weight loss rulethat you don’t even have to think about.LOSE WEIGHT FAST AND EASYThe simplest, most beneficial trick to LOSE WEIGHT FAST AND EASY is this:Drink two glasses of water before every meal.Drinktwo glasses of water before every meal, and by “meal” I mean anythingedible you are about to put in your mouth. Reaching for that jelly beanor bag of chips? Make a detour to the water fountain first. Dinner onthe table? Stop by the faucet on your way to sit down. Gulp down thewater and go ahead with your meal. Don’t worry about what you have puton your plate, just drink the water before you begin to eat. You caneven get crazy and drink some more water with your meal, but always makesure the first two cups go down the hatch before the first morsel hitsyour tongue. There are two very important reasons why water will makeyou LOSE WEIGHT FAST AND EASY. Water is cleansing and water is ano-calorie filler; two components for any successful weight lossregiment.Cleansing with Water to LOSE WEIGHT FAST AND EASYCleansingis one of the best things you can do for weight loss. Most people begina diet with some cleansing plan. Drinking two glasses of water beforeany meal include this added benefit. Water lubricates and helps withdigestion. It also helps flush your system and promotes metabolism. Yourliver is one of the most important mechanisms by which your bodyconverts fat to energy. However, it also does the work for your kidneyswhenever they aren’t capable of functioning at optimal level. Beingdehydrated or even partially dehydrated strains those kidneys, which inturn strains the liver. When the liver isn’t doing a good job ofconverting fat to energy, the result is you being fatter than you shouldbe. So start drinking that water before your meals! then you'll lose weight fast and easy.The No-Calorie Filler to LOSE WEIGHT FAST AND EASYAnyno-calorie filling component is a gift to a dieter. Water helps LOSEWEIGHT FAST AND EASY because it takes up a portion of space in yourstomach prior to introducing any calorie-laden ingredient. Water alsoacts as an appetite suppressant resulting in less calorie consumption.In a 2010 study conducted at Virginia Tech, researchers found thatpeople who routinely drank two glasses of water before their meal endedup eating anywhere between 75 to 90 fewer calories per meal. All ittakes two cups of water and you are on your way to eating less andfeeling fuller. You can’t lose!Sothere it is, the one best-kept secret LOSE WEIGHT FAST AND EASY. Drinkthose two glasses of water before any food goes into your mouth and youwill find fat loss is a breeze!
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